blackmail به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
black‧mail1 /ˈblækmeɪl/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]
when someone tries to get money from you or make you do what they want by threatening to tell other people your secrets
وقتی کسی سعی می کند از شما پول بگیرد یا با تهدید به گفتن اسرار شما به دیگران شما را وادار به انجام آنچه می خواهد کند
when someone tries to make you do what they want by making threats or by making you feel guilty if you do not do it
وقتی کسی سعی می کند با تهدید کردن شما را به کاری که می خواهد وادار کند یا اگر آن را انجام ندهید با ایجاد احساس گناه در شما.
blackmail2 ●○○ verb [transitive]
to use blackmail against someone
استفاده از اخاذی علیه کسی
She recounted the harassments and blackmail threats by Atkins and his undercover colleague
No, he used some pretty outrageous emotional blackmail on me
This is a move that immediately suggests a preliminary to political blackmail
You cannot blackmail a man who has nothing to hide
Capshaw was going to try to blackmail him