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From Longman Dictionary

com‧mis‧sion1 /kəˈmɪʃən/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun

 a group of people who have been given the official job of finding out about something or controlling something

an extra amount of money that is paid to a person or organization according to the value of the goods they have sold or the services they have provided

request for an artistdesigner, or musician to make a piece of art or music, for which they are paid

 the position of an officer in the armynavy etc

the commission of a crime is the act of doing it

commission2 ●○○ AWL verb

 to formally ask someone to write an official report, produce a work of art for you etc


Ivanova has received a commission from the bank for a sculpture

So why pay extra money in commissions for financial advice to get only an average return

The commission is expected to decide this month whether to open an investigation

The gallery is housed in the new wing, which he commissioned Adams to build 18 years ago

In recent years, the outage has been used to construct or commission major capital projects to extend the plants‘ capability

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