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break به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary

break1 /breɪk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense broke /brəʊk $ broʊk/past participle broken /ˈbrəʊkən $ ˈbroʊ-/)

[transitive] if you break something, you make it separate into two or more pieces, for example by hitting it, dropping it, or bending it

[intransitive] if something breaks, it separates into two or more pieces

[transitive] to damage a bone in your body by making it crack or split

[transitive] to damage a machine so that it does not work properly

[intransitive] if a machine breaks, it stops working properly

[transitive] to disobey a rule or law

[transitive] to not do something that you have promised to do or signed an agreement to do

[intransitive] to stop for a short time in order to have a rest or eat something

[transitive] to stop something from continuing

[transitive] to make someone feel that they have been completely defeated and they cannot continue working or living

[transitive] to damage an organization so badly that it no longer has any power

[intransitive] when the day or the dawn breaks, the sky gets light

[intransitive] if a storm breaks, it begins

[intransitive] if the weather breaks, it suddenly changes and becomes cold or wet

[intransitive] when waves break, they fall onto the land at the edge of the water

when a boy’s voice breaks, it becomes lower and starts to sound like a man’s voice

if your voice breaks, it does not sound smooth because you are feeling strong emotions

[intransitive] if news about an important event breaks, it becomes known

[transitive] if you break unpleasant news to someone, you tell it to them

break2 ●●● S2 W2 noun

[countable] a period of time when you stop working in order to rest, eat etc

[countable] a period of time when you stop doing something before you start again

[countable] a short holiday

[uncountable] the time during the school day when classes stop and teachers and students can rest, eat, play etc

 [countable] a pause for advertisements during a television or radio programme

[countable] a period of time when something stops happening before it starts again

 [singular] a time when you leave a person or group, or end a relationship with someone

[countable] a space or hole in something

[countable] informal a sudden or unexpected chance to do something that allows you to become successful in your job

 [countable] the place where a bone in your body has broken

[countable] a situation in a game of tennis in which you win a game when your opponent is starting the game by hitting the ball first

[countable] the number of points that a player wins when it is their turn to hit the ball in a game such as snooker


I had to break a window to get into the house

He broke the biscuit in half and handed one piece to me

If you break the rules, you will be punished

We were keen to get back to the hotel before the storm broke

It was such bad luck – it was our first time skiing and Nicola broke her leg

One of the kids put some rocks in the blender and broke it

a welcome break in my normal routine

There was no sign of a break in the weather

She really needs a break of serve now if she wants to win this match

Some new networks can heal themselves when a break occurs, without any involvement from a repairman

The children have a fifteen-minute break at 11 o’clock

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