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bubble به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary

bub‧ble1 /ˈbʌbəl/ ●●○ noun [countable]

ball of air or gas in liquid

a small amount of air trapped in a solid substance

circle around the words said by someone in a cartoon

a situation in which the prices of something such as company shares or houses increase a lot very quickly, so they are too high and will quickly come down again

bubble2 verb [intransitive]

to produce bubbles

to make the sound that water makes when it boils

 to be excited

if a feeling or activity bubbles, it continues to exist

little girl catches soap bubbles
little girl catches soap bubbles


If bubbles do not appear, the yeast organisms have died

While it was on top, it lost some of the bubbles and sank to the bottom again

The bubble in technology shares has deflated

Santerre bubbled like a stream in spring

Often, it happens because good ideas bubble up from employees who actually do the work and deal with the customers

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