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civet به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ˈsɪvɪt [countable] a wild animal like a cat, found in central Africa and Asia                 

jaguar به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary jag‧u‧ar /ˈdʒæɡjuə $ ˈdʒæɡwɑːr/ noun [countable] a large South American wild cat with brown and yellow fur with black spots Example This region of unusual geological features is home to a number of endangered species, including ocelot and jaguar Even the Amazon’s taxed and patrolled To set laws by the few jaws – Piranha and jaguar A menacing red jaguar with gleaming green eyes greets those who dare to tread further The Southwest Center folks want to see…

bushbaby به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ˈbʊʃbeɪbi a small African animal with large eyes that lives in trees                 

kangaroo به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary kan‧ga‧roo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː◂/ noun (plural kangaroos) [countable] an Australian animal that moves by jumping and carries its babies in a pouch Example Billy’s short legs kept getting tangled in the heather, so he bounced along like a kangaroo through the springy tufts But only the lucky and the sharp-eyed will catch sight of…

puma به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary pu‧ma /ˈpjuːmə/ noun [countable] a cougar Example Puma and tabby No, Minkie the puma doesn’t fancy a helping of plump tabby, they’re just good friends Nigel in his best jeans and sneakers padded along like a puma The pilot of a puma helicopter flying between the Magnus Oil platform and another platform…

antelope به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary an‧te‧lope /ˈæntələʊp $ ˈæntəl-oʊp/ noun [countable] an animal with long horns that can run very fast and is very graceful Example Small forest antelopes are selective feeders and, as a consequence, are solitary and monogamous The other, the four-horned antelope, is far stranger in appearance Across the plain, a herd of antelope ran, and then pivoted all…

dingo به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary din‧go /ˈdɪŋɡəʊ $ -ɡoʊ/ noun (plural dingoes) [countable] an Australian wild dog Example It did not disconcert Sly that he found himself addressing an audience who were all wearing false dingo ears The tiger, the dingo is almost extinct The dingo, too, is not much changed since those days                 

chimpanzee به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary chim‧pan‧zee /ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː, -pən-/ ●○○ (also chimp /tʃɪmp/) noun [countable] an intelligent African animal that is like a large monkey without a tail Example Least developed in the gorilla but greater in chimpanzees and australopithecines, with formation of incisive canal It does, however, spend more time than chimpanzees in trees, from…

kinkajou به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ˈkɪŋkədʒuː a small animal with a very strong tail, which lives in trees in Central and South America and eats mainly fruit                 

chipmunk به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary chip‧munk /ˈtʃɪpmʌŋk/ noun [countable] a small American animal similar to a squirrel with black lines on its fur Example A chipmunk dashed across the grass She got to see a grizzly bear, skunks and chipmunks This animal escapes danger most like a. stonefish chipmunk cat 3 That and the chipmunk are the only…

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