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mind به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary mind1 /maɪnd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun your thoughts or your ability to think, feel, and imagine things افکار شما یا توانایی شما برای فکر کردن، احساس کردن و تصور کردن چیزها used to talk about the way that…

about به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary a‧bout1 /əˈbaʊt/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition concerning or relating to a particular subject used to show why someone is angry, happy, upset etc in many different directions within a particular place, or in different parts of a place in the nature or character of a person or…

product به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary prod‧uct /ˈprɒdʌkt $ ˈprɑː-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  something that is grown or made in a factory in large quantities, usually in order to be sold the number you get by multiplying two or more numbers in mathematics something that is produced through a natural or chemical process Example…

fly به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary fly1 /flaɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense flew /fluː/, past participle flown /fləʊn $ floʊn/) to travel by plane if a plane, spacecraft etc flies, it moves through the air to be at the controls of a plane and direct it as it flies to take…

wolf به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary wolf1 /wʊlf/ ●●○ noun (plural wolves /wʊlvz/) [countable] a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups wolf2 (also wolf down) verb [transitive] informal to eat something very quickly, swallowing it in big pieces Example They were shown to a small table in…

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