clasp به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
clasp1 ●○○ verb [transitive]
to hold someone or something tightly, closing your fingers or arms around them
to fasten something with a clasp
clasp2 /klɑːsp $ klæsp/ noun
a small metal object for fastening a bag, belt, piece of jewellery etc
a tight hold
Magrat clasped her hands together and looked down, biting her knuckles
To Heather, she seemed delicate looking, poised with her hands loosely clasped in front
He clasped the royal hand and plastered it with three lingering kisses
It was about fifteen inches wide, of polished wood, and bound with brass clasps
The gilding was flaking off a clumsy clasp and some stitches had broken on the handle, leaving it frayed and shabby