condition به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
con‧di‧tion1 /kənˈdɪʃən/ ●●● S2 W1 noun
the state that something is in, especially how good or bad its physical state is in (a) good/poor/excellent/terrible etc condition
something that you must agree to in order for something to happen, especially when this is included in a contract
something that must exist or happen first, before something else can happen
an illness or health problem that affects you permanently or for a very long time
the situation or state of a particular group of people, especially when they have problems and difficulties
The plant is sensitive to alkaline conditions and prefers cool waters but temporarily withstands higher temperatures
The World Bank will only agree to make this loan if certain conditions are met
The basic structure of the house is in very good condition
I’m not buying anything until I see what kind of condition it’s in
Under the conditions of the GATT trade agreement, farm subsidies would be gradually phased out