convict به انگلیسی
con‧vict1 /kənˈvɪkt/ ●○○ verb
to prove or officially announce that someone is guilty of a crime after a trial in a law court
اثبات یا اعلام رسمی مجرم بودن شخصی پس از محاکمه در دادگاه حقوقی
con‧vict2 /ˈkɒnvɪkt $ ˈkɑːn-/ noun
someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison
کسی که جرمش ثابت شده و روانه زندان شده است
She was convicted of shoplifting
He was never convicted of anything in this country
Howard plays a convict conscripted with others to help battle a flood along the banks of the Mississippi in 1927
There was a report on the news about an escaped convict
These were State enterprises, engineered by the military, and using convict and forced labour