cooking به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
cook‧ing1 /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ ●●○ noun
the activity of preparing food so that it is ready to eat, usually by heating it
فعالیت تهیه غذا به گونه ای که آماده خوردن باشد، معمولاً با حرارت دادن آن
food made in a particular way or by a particular person
غذایی که به روشی خاص یا توسط شخص خاصی ساخته شده است
cooking2 adjective
suitable for or used in cooking
مناسب برای پخت و پز یا استفاده می شود
My mother does all the cooking
simple basic home cooking
There’s nothing like home cooking
Good home cooking is served and fresh local and garden produce are used
The rooms all have cooking facilities