decision به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
de‧ci‧sion /dɪˈsɪʒən/ ●●● S1 W1 noun
a choice or judgment that you make after a period of discussion or thought
انتخاب یا قضاوتی که پس از مدتی بحث یا تفکر انجام می دهید
the quality someone has that makes them able to make choices or judgments quickly and confidently
کیفیتی که یک شخص دارد که باعث می شود بتواند سریع و با اطمینان تصمیم بگیرد یا قضاوت کند
the act of deciding something
عمل تصمیم گیری در مورد چیزی
The board is expected to make a decision on the merger by August
This job requires the ability to act with speed and decision
As chief executive, I often have to take difficult decisions
My decision to leave school when I was only 15 was the worst mistake I ever made
The burden of decision rests with the Supreme Court