driver به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
driv‧er /ˈdraɪvə $ -ər/ ●●● noun
someone who drives a car, bus etc
کسی که ماشین، اتوبوس و غیره را رانندگی می کند
a piece of software that makes a computer work with another piece of equipment such as a printer or a mouse
نرم افزاری که باعث می شود رایانه با تجهیزات دیگری مانند چاپگر یا ماوس کار کند.
Car drivers now pay more than ever for fuel
Many drivers suffer from backache
The car was almost torn in half in the crash but amazingly the driver was unhurt
He got into the driver‘s seat and started the engine
The driver of a third car also lost control and went into a skid