envelope به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
en‧ve‧lope /ˈenvələʊp $ -loʊp/ ●●● S3 noun
a thin paper cover in which you put and send a letter
یک جلد کاغذ نازک که در آن نامه ای قرار داده و ارسال می کنید
a layer of something that surrounds something else
لایه ای از چیزی که چیز دیگری را احاطه کرده است
She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter
an envelope of gases around the planet
The solution is also obvious – please check envelopes are not too tightly packed, if in doubt use a bigger envelope
With trembling hands Mr Utterson opened the envelope
A bluish envelope of flame surrounds the particle as it burns