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image به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary

im‧age /ˈɪmɪdʒ/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun [countable]

the opinion people have of a person, organizationproduct etc, or the way a person, organization etc seems to be to the public

picture that you have in your mind, especially about what someone or something is like or the way they look

a picture of an object in a mirror or in the lens of a camera

a picture on the screen of a televisioncinema, or computer

a picture or shape of a person or thing that is copied onto paper or is cut in wood or stone

wordphrase, or picture that describes an idea in a poem, book, film etc


attempts to improve the image of the police

He had no visual image of her, only her name

Jill Sharpe was little more than a name, a glossy image on a television screen

The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking

the flickering images of an old silent movie

The image can be seen from a variety of angles

The images of starving people on the news was what motivated us to send money

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