listen به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
lis‧ten /ˈlɪsən/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [intransitive]
to pay attention to what someone is saying or to a sound that you can hear
توجه کردن به چیزی که کسی می گوید یا به صدایی که می توانید بشنوید
used to tell someone to pay attention to what you are going to say
به کسی می گفت که به چیزی که می خواهی بگویی توجه کند
to consider what someone says and accept their advice
در نظر گرفتن آنچه کسی می گوید و قبول توصیه های او
He listened carefully to every word I said
If you listen hard, you can hear the sound of the sea in the distance
Mrs Singh leaned forward, listening intently as they explained the procedure to her
I could listen to Placido Domingo all day — he has such a beautiful voice
I didn’t hear the answer, because I wasn’t listening when she read it out