matter به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
mat‧ter1 /ˈmætə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun
a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with
موضوع یا موقعیتی که باید به آن فکر کنید یا به آن بپردازید
the material that everything in the universe is made of, including solids, liquids, and gases
ماده ای که همه چیز در جهان از آن ساخته شده است، از جمله جامدات، مایعات و گازها
a substance that consists of waste material, solid material etc
ماده ای که از مواد زائد، مواد جامد و غیره تشکیل شده است
a yellow or white substance in wounds or next to your eye
یک ماده زرد یا سفید در زخم یا کنار چشم شما
matter2 ●●● S1 W3 verb
to be important, especially to be important to you, or to have an effect on what happens
مهم بودن، به ویژه برای مهم بودن برای شما، یا تأثیرگذاری بر آنچه اتفاق می افتد
Lovelock’s own position on the continuum has been a matter of great interest
His maudlin drunkenness was not helping matters
This meeting is being held to deal with the serious matter of possible racism in our hiring practices
They both said it didn’t matter
It matters what you wear to an evening of live theater