mute به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
mute1 /mjuːt/ adjective
someone who is mute does not speak, or refuses to speak
کسی که لال است صحبت نمی کند یا از صحبت کردن امتناع می کند
someone who is mute is unable to speak
کسی که لال است نمی تواند صحبت کند
mute2 verb [transitive]
to make the sound of something quieter, or make it disappear completely
صدای چیزی را ساکتتر کنید یا آن را کاملاً ناپدید کنید
to make a musical instrument sound softer
تا صدای یک آلت موسیقی ملایم تر شود
to reduce the level of criticism, protest, discussion etc that is happening
برای کاهش سطح انتقاد، اعتراض، بحث و غیره که در حال وقوع است
The kid stared at me in a state of mute fear
The trial brings out many spectators to see Hetty standing mute and expressionless
I must scream, I have to, yet I too am mute
The men’s footfalls were muted – jungle boots on concrete
All the resolution needed for maximum impact, I thought, was to have its sharp working-class rhetoric muted