nationality به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
na‧tion‧al‧i‧ty /ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/ ●●○ noun (plural nationalities)
the state of being legally a citizen of a particular country
وضعیت شهروندی قانونی یک کشور خاص
a large group of people with the same race, origin, language etc
گروه بزرگی از مردم با نژاد، اصل، زبان و غیره یکسان
In the upper Baskan accommodation is in multistorey hotels lively with the comings and goings of mountaineers of all nationalities
The application form asks you to state your name, age, and nationality
It’s a three star hotel patronised by many different nationalities
What is allowed is sentimentality in drunken songs of nationality and ideal love
The nationalities of the plane crash victims have not yet been released