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outfit به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary

out‧fit1 /ˈaʊtfɪt/ ●●○ noun [countable]

a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion

a group of people who work together as a team or organization

a set of equipment that you need for a particular purpose or job

outfit2 verb (outfitted, outfitting) [transitive]

to provide someone or something with a set of clothes or equipment, especially ones that are needed for a particular purpose


She bought a new outfit for the party

My outfit was sent to Italy during the war

I know another guide who says she has a different umbrella for every outfit she owns

As a result, the traditional party outfit of flamboyant cravat and tweed jacket has been replaced by the ninety-nine-pound wool suit

We got outrageous clothes – total outfits

a car outfitted with dual controls for driver training

No, he was not outfitted for stalking anything

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