plateau به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
plat‧eau1 /ˈplætəʊ $ plæˈtoʊ/ ●○○ noun (plural plateaus or plateaux /-təʊz $ -ˈtoʊz/) [countable]
a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
a period during which the level of something does not change, especially after a period when it was increasing
plateau2 verb [intransitive]
if something plateaus, it reaches and then stays at a particular level
The fifteenth, seemingly relatively tame at 167 yards, had a plateau green that sloped from right to left
The king’s highway, an important trade route, ran down the eastern plateau
Then teammate Joel Zide of Northridge quickened the pace to reach the five-fish plateau first
We inched up over the ridge and began our descent on to the high, tree-stippled plateau of far western Chihuahua
This place, the plateau, was where we’d spend most of our time on Back Hill