practice به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
prac‧tice /ˈpræktɪs/ ●●● S2 W1 noun
when you do a particular thing, often regularly, in order to improve your skill at it
زمانی که کار خاصی را اغلب به طور منظم انجام می دهید تا مهارت خود را در آن بهبود بخشید
something that people do often, especially a particular way of doing something or a social or religious custom
کاری که مردم اغلب انجام می دهند، به ویژه شیوه خاصی برای انجام کاری یا یک رسم اجتماعی یا مذهبی
the work of a doctor or lawyer, or the place where they work
کار یک پزشک یا وکیل یا مکانی که در آن کار می کنند
the religious beliefs and practices of Hindus
This approach flies in the face of established practice
Secondly, while it wishes pupils to experience freedom, in practice it is easy for the teacher to determine the structure
You’re getting better – you just need a little more practice
One has to distinguish between the individual and the practice