pulses به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
pulse1 /pʌls/ ●○○ noun
the regular beat that can be felt, for example at your wrist, as your heart pumps blood around your body
a strong regular beat in music
an amount of sound, light, or electricity that continues for a very short time
the ideas, feelings, or opinions that are most important to a particular group of people or have the greatest influence on them at a particular time
pulse2 verb
to move or flow with a steady quick beat or sound
if a feeling or emotion pulses through someone, they feel it very strongly
to push a button on a food processor to make the machine go on and off regularly, rather than work continuously
Same with the second beam pulse – the one behind the first
An electrical pulse sends the atom to the tip of the microscope needle
The masters of noir are obvious influences on Nova; his prose races with a fast pulse
The man on the ground had no pulse
the pulse of steel drums in the parks