rat به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
rat1 /ræt/ ●●○ noun
an animal that looks like a large mouse with a long tail
حیوانی که شبیه یک موش بزرگ با دم بلند است
spoken someone who has been disloyal to you or deceived you
با کسی صحبت کرد که به شما خیانت کرده یا شما را فریب داده است
rat2 verb (ratted, ratting)
if someone rats on you, they tell someone in authority about something wrong that you have done
اگر شخصی به شما اعتنایی کند، در مورد اشتباهی که انجام دادهاید به یکی از مقامات رسمی میگوید
But you promised to help us, you rat
They’ll kill you if they find out you’ve ratted on them
Old steamboats with their scrollwork more scrolled and withered by weathers sat in the mud inhabited by rats
This is a good way to get back at that rat Yossarian
The rat weights did not differ between the groups