Redeem به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
re‧deem /rɪˈdiːm/ ●○○ verb
to make something less bad
برای اینکه چیزی بدتر شود
to exchange a piece of paper representing an amount of money for that amount of money or for goods equal in cost to that amount of money
مبادله یک تکه کاغذ که نشان دهنده مقداری پول برای آن مقدار پول یا برای کالایی معادل هزینه آن مقدار پول است.
to free someone from the power of evil, especially in the Christian religion
برای رهایی کسی از قدرت شر، به ویژه در دین مسیحیت
to buy back something which you left with someone you borrowed money from
برای بازخرید چیزی که نزد کسی که از او قرض گرفته اید باقی گذاشته اید
I think I may have been a little hasty about firing him
I don’t want to make hasty and furtive love with you
The method of reproducing the copies is hasty and inaccurate, so defects accumulate especially fast there
He only had time for a hasty glance at the papers
A hasty plan for accomplishing this came into my mind