Resume به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
re‧sume1 /rɪˈzjuːm $ rɪˈzuːm/ ●●○ verb
to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted
برای شروع دوباره کاری پس از توقف یا قطع شدن
if an activity or process resumes, it starts again after a pause
اگر یک فعالیت یا فرآیند از سر گرفته شود، پس از یک مکث دوباره شروع می شود
re‧su‧me2, résumé /ˈrezjʊmeɪ, ˈreɪ- $ ˌrezʊˈmeɪ/ ●●○ noun
a short account of something such as an article or speech which gives the main points but no details
شرح کوتاهی از چیزی مانند مقاله یا سخنرانی که نکات اصلی را بیان می کند اما جزئیاتی ندارد
He gave a resume of the year’s work and wished the Society another successful year
She hopes to resume work after the baby is born
Peace talks will resume tomorrow
Collins was so seriously injured that he was unable to resume his career
Pumping operations would resume this morning