seat به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
seat1 /siːt/ ●●● S2 W1 noun
a place where you can sit, especially one in a vehicle or one from which you watch a performance, sports event etc
مکانی که می توانید در آن بنشینید، به خصوص در یک وسیله نقلیه یا مکانی که از آنجا یک اجرا، رویداد ورزشی و غیره را تماشا می کنید
a position as an elected member of a government, or as a member of a group that makes official decisions
موقعیتی به عنوان عضو منتخب یک دولت یا عضوی از گروهی که تصمیمات رسمی می گیرد
the flat part of a chair etc that you sit on
قسمت صاف صندلی و غیره که روی آن می نشینید
the part of your trousers that you sit on
قسمتی از شلوارت که روی آن نشسته ای
a home of a rich important family in the countryside
خانه یک خانواده ثروتمند مهم در حومه شهر
seat2 ●●○ verb
if a place seats a number of people, it has enough seats for that number
اگر مکانی تعداد افراد را در خود جای دهد، برای این تعداد صندلی کافی دارد
to arrange for someone to sit somewhere
ترتیب دادن برای نشستن کسی در جایی
The Boeing 747 seats 400-425 passengers
There were reports of fans waiting in line as early as 6 a. m. Saturday to inquire about season seats
She seated herself at the desk, relocated a floral display and smiled as the first patient walked into the room
The Captain was seated with his back to the door
Forza Italia has 110 seats, and Berlusconi has frequently changed his mind about whether Dini should stay in office