she به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
she1 /ʃi; strong ʃiː/ ●●● S1 W1 pronoun [used as the subject of a verb]
used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal that has already been mentioned or is already known about
برای اشاره به زن، دختر یا حیوان ماده ای که قبلاً ذکر شده یا قبلاً در مورد آن شناخته شده است استفاده می شود
used to refer to a country, ship, or vehicle that has already been mentioned
برای اشاره به کشور، کشتی یا وسیله نقلیه ای که قبلاً ذکر شده استفاده می شود
she2 /ʃiː/ noun [singular]
a female
یک زن
I saw you talking to that girl. Who is she
What did she tell you to do
She‘s a good, reliable little car
You’d better ask Amy – she knows how to use the copier
What a cute puppy! Is it a he or a she