skeleton به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
skel‧e‧ton /ˈskelətən/ ●○○ noun
the structure consisting of all the bones in a human or animal body
a set of these bones or a model of them, fastened in their usual positions, used, for example, by medical students
the most important parts of something, to which more detail can be added later
an extremely thin person or animal
the main structure that supports a building, bridge etc
a sport in which you slide down a special ice track while lying on your front on a type of sledge
the vehicle you slide on in this sport
The skulls and one complete skeleton in rotting clothes had leered out of magazines
He had watched it in early May, as the tiny breaking leaves spread a pinkish haze over the magnificent skeleton
Is essential for normal skeleton development in children and adolescents, and for maintaining high bone density in young adults
The office building’s steel skeleton rose above the skyline
Unlike caffeine, these molecules have only two methyl groups attached to their xanthine skeleton