snow به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
snow1 /snəʊ $ snoʊ/ ●●● S2 W3 noun
soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather and cover the ground
تکه های سفید نرم آب یخ زده که در هوای سرد از آسمان می افتند و زمین را می پوشانند
a period of time in which snow falls
دوره زمانی که در آن برف می بارد
small white spots on a television picture, caused by bad weather conditions, weak television signals
لکه های کوچک سفید روی یک تصویر تلویزیونی، ناشی از شرایط بد آب و هوا، سیگنال های تلویزیون ضعیف
snow2 ●●● S2 verb
to persuade someone to believe or support something, especially by lying to them
متقاعد کردن کسی که چیزی را باور یا حمایت کند، مخصوصاً با دروغ گفتن به او
We were crossing a high, thin cordillera of mountains, their tops already covered with snow
There will be some gains, including faster growing forests, less snow and lower heating bills
Perhaps Gwen Evans was as pure as the driven snow
McDonald is manipulating his supporters, snowing them with his good looks
It snowed continually for three weeks