suggest به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
sug‧gest /səˈdʒest $ səɡˈdʒest/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]
to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc
برای گفتن ایده های خود به کسی در مورد آنچه که باید انجام دهد، کجا باید برود و غیره
to make someone think that a particular thing is true
وادار کردن کسی فکر کند که یک چیز خاص درست است
to tell someone about someone or something that is suitable for a particular job or activity
گفتن به کسی در مورد کسی یا چیزی که برای یک کار یا فعالیت خاص مناسب است
suggest somebody/something for something
to state something in an indirect way
بیان چیزی به صورت غیر مستقیم
to remind someone of something or help them to imagine it
چیزی را به کسی یادآوری کند یا به او کمک کند آن را تصور کند
I’m not sure which is the best wine to order. What would you suggest
It was raining heavily, and she suggested calling a taxi
Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship
His letter seemed to suggest that he wasn’t satisfied with my work
These changes in mortality, especially among the old elderly, suggest that we have not reached the maximum human lifespan