teach به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
teach /tiːtʃ/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (past tense and past participle taught /tɔːt $ tɒːt/)
to give lessons in a school, college, or university, or to help someone learn about something by giving them information
برای دادن درس در مدرسه، کالج یا دانشگاه، یا کمک به کسی که با دادن اطلاعات در مورد چیزی یاد بگیرد
to show someone how to do something
به کسی نشان دادن چگونه کاری را انجام دهد
to show or tell someone how they should behave or what they should think
نشان دادن یا گفتن به کسی که باید چگونه رفتار کند یا چه فکری باید بکند
if an experience or situation teaches you something, it helps you to understand something about life
اگر یک تجربه یا موقعیت چیزی به شما می آموزد، به شما کمک می کند تا چیزی در مورد زندگی درک کنید
It took us several hours to teach all the dance moves to the girls
She teaches English to Italian students
During his teens, his father was building a law practice in Brooklyn and teaching law part-time
My mother taught me how to cook
When I was young, children were taught to treat older people with respect