trousers به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
trou‧sers /ˈtraʊzəz $ -ərz/ ●●● S2 noun [plural]
a piece of clothing that covers the lower half of your body, with a separate part fitting over each leg
یک تکه لباس که نیمه پایینی بدن شما را می پوشاند و یک قسمت جداگانه روی هر پا قرار می گیرد
His trousers were slightly too short
He won’t have a woman in the shop if she’s got trousers on her and he sees her
I watched Claude stuff himself into his trousers
The wind struck my face, got into my sleeves, under my collar, up the legs of my trousers
A pair of trousers now costs 95 colones