Unite به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
u‧nite /juːˈnaɪt/ ●●○ verb
if different people or organizations unite, or if something unites them, they join together in order to achieve something
اگر افراد یا سازمان های مختلف با هم متحد شوند، یا اگر چیزی آنها را متحد کند، برای رسیدن به چیزی به هم می پیوندند
Our goal is to unite the opposition parties and defeat the president
Party members united behind their leader
In 1960, the regions united to form the Somali Republic
Uniting against globalisation is not the same as uniting against capitalism
Regeneration schemes have come and gone in Liverpool, but at least this one has succeeded in uniting the main players