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workforce به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary

work‧force /ˈwɜːkfɔːs $ ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs/ ●○○ noun [singular]

all the people who work in a particular industry or company, or are available to work in a particular country or area

A group of three multi-ethnic men wearing white and yellow hard hats, standing in a row. The focus is on the worker in the middle, He is the foreman of this work crew, an Hispanic man in his 50s wearing a royal blue shirt, smiling and pointing at the camera. They are construction workers, engineers or utility workers in the city, buildings out of focus behind them.


Women now represent almost 50% of the workforce

workforce of 3500 employees

A new federal survey on the growing shortage of nurses portrays a stagnant workforce with a dramatic slowdown in nursing school enrollments

union spokesman said that none of the people arrested were from the sacked Timex workforce

Your education programs should be designed to accommodate different needs within your workforce

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