yet به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
yet1 /jet/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb
used in negative statements and questions to talk about whether something that was expected has happened
در عبارات منفی و سوالات برای صحبت در مورد اینکه آیا چیزی که انتظار می رفت اتفاق افتاده است یا خیر استفاده می شود
used in negative statements and questions to talk about whether a situation has started to exist
در جملات منفی و سوالات برای صحبت در مورد اینکه آیا یک موقعیت شروع به وجود کرده است استفاده می شود
used in negative sentences to say that someone should not or need not do something now, although they may have to do it later
در جملات منفی برای گفتن اینکه کسی نباید یا نیازی به انجام کاری نداشته باشد، استفاده می شود، اگرچه ممکن است بعداً مجبور به انجام آن کار شود
used to emphasize that something is even more than it was before or is in addition to what existed before
برای تأکید بر این نکته استفاده می شود که چیزی حتی بیشتر از آنچه قبلا بوده است یا علاوه بر آنچه قبلا وجود داشته است است
yet2 ●●● W2 conjunction
used to introduce a fact, situation, or quality that is surprising after what you have just said
برای معرفی یک واقعیت، موقعیت یا کیفیتی استفاده می شود که بعد از آنچه شما گفتید شگفت آور است
But all is not yet lost, fellow fans of the blue and goofy
Although this valley is only four hours away from London, it has not yet been discovered by tourists and artists
Have they said anything about the money yet
Last summer there was a drought, yet some people were still watering their lawns every day
Some battered women live in fear of their husbands, and yet are terrified to leave