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آزمون کوتاه Reading و Listening

(این آزمون شامل 2 بخش کوتاه Reading و listening نوشتاری می باشد که میبایست بعد از خواندن آنها، وارد بخش سوالات شده و پاسخ دهید)

در این برگه، آزمون تعیین سطح زبان انگلیسی برای زبان آموزانی که می خواهند بدانند سطح زبان آنها در چه حدی است به صورت رایگان ارائه شده است. دانش زبان انگلیسی شما در هر سطحی که باشد می توانید از این آزمون تعیین سطح استفاده نمایید. هر نتیجه ای که بعد از پاسخ دادن به سوالات این آزمون بدست بیارید می تواند به انتخاب محتوای مناسب با توجه به سطح زبان تان کمک کند.

بخش اول : Reading

“Ted Serios is not a normal person. He was in his mid-forties when he was introduced to Jule Eisenbud, Professor of Psychiatry at Denver Medical School in 1963

“During the next several years, Eisenbud showed that Serios had the bizarre ability to produce images on film by simply staring into a camera. Together, Eisenbud and Serios produced more than two hundred of these “thoughtographs.” Most of them were images of buildings, landscapes, people, and machines. The thoughtographs were created under carefully controlled conditions and the process was observed by many witnesses, some of whom were very skeptical of Serios’ claimed abilities. The experimenters were careful to exclude the possibility of fraud by using methods such as medical examinations and X-rays. They even put Serios in a straightjacket and removed all of his clothes

No one has ever been able to give a satisfactory explanation for the pictures that Serios and Eisenbud made


برای شرکت در آزمون باید عضو شوید و یا وارد حساب کاربری خود گردید.

بخش دوم: listening بصورت نوشتاری

Listening Section
The following short listening passage is part of a listening test. You will hear a short sample of speech followed by five questions. Each question will be repeated on the tape, but the questions do not appear in the test booklet. You may take notes on the provided piece of paper. When you answer the questions, be sure to mark your answers on the scantron and not on the test booklet. Your notes will be collected after the test

Listening passage one
The banjo is a musical instrument which originated in Africa. Because African music is very much based on rhythm, the banjo looks very much like a drum and probably developed from a drum. It also has a neck and from four to six strings. The banjo was probably brought from Africa to America by slaves in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the United States, white country musicians began using the banjo to play their dance music. Eventually, the four-string banjo became an integral part of early jazz, called Dixieland and the five-string banjo became the foundation of a kind of fast country music called bluegrass


برای شرکت در آزمون باید عضو شوید و یا وارد حساب کاربری خود گردید.

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