abuse به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
a‧buse1 /əˈbjuːs/ ●●○ noun
cruel or violent treatment of someone
رفتار ظالمانه یا خشونت آمیز با کسی
the use of something in a way that it should not be used
استفاده از چیزی به گونه ای که نباید از آن استفاده کرد
rude or offensive things that someone says when they are angry
چیزهای بی ادبانه یا توهین آمیزی که کسی هنگام عصبانیت می گوید
a‧buse2 /əˈbjuːz/ ●●○ verb
to treat someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexually
رفتار ظالمانه و خشونت آمیز با کسی، اغلب جنسی
to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage
استفاده عمدی از چیزی برای هدف نادرست یا به نفع خود
to say rude or offensive things to someone
گفتن حرف های بی ادبانه یا توهین آمیز به کسی
to treat something so badly that you start to destroy it
با چیزی آنقدر بد رفتار کنید که شروع به تخریب کنید
An independent committee will look into alleged human rights abuses
A self-monitoring tax system is clearly open to abuse
vandalism and verbal abuse directed at old people
Williams abused his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends
He came to the help of another driver who was being racially abused by three white