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gibbon به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary gib‧bon /ˈɡɪbən/ noun [countable] a small animal like a monkey, with long arms and no tail, that lives in trees in Asia Example At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and…

leopard به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary leop‧ard /ˈlepəd $ -ərd/ noun [countable] a large animal of the cat family, with yellow fur and black spots, which lives in Africa and South Asia Example But we also saw all kinds of animals, like monkeys, parrots, deer, and even a leopard The basic leopard is…

elephant به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary el‧e‧phant /ˈeləfənt/ ●●● W3 noun [countable] a very large grey animal with four legs, two tusks (=long curved teeth) and a trunk (=long nose) that it can use to pick things up Example He rode on an elephant and on the Ferris wheel, taking only Amelia with him…

bandicoot به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary bændɪkuːt a small Australasian animal with a long nose and long tail, which eats mainly insects                 

weasel به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary wea‧sel /ˈwiːzəl/ noun [countable] a small thin furry animal that kills and eats rats and birds Example Methinks it is like a weasel He’d agreed with her about the low weasels who had nominated her I see fresh red squirrel and hare tracks, but curiously none at all of weasel I saw…

walrus به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary wal‧rus /ˈwɔːlrəs $ ˈwɒːl-, ˈwɑːl-/ noun [countable] a large sea animal with two long tusks (=things like teeth) coming down from the sides of its mouth → seal Example He was a tall heavy-set man of about sixty, bald, with a brick-red face and…

echidna به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ɪˈkɪdnə an Australasian insect-eating animal that has a long nose, sharp claws on its feet, and sharp spines on its body                 

anteater به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ant‧eat‧er /ˈæntˌiːtə $ -ər/ noun [countable] an animal that has a very long nose and eats small insects Example They may be subdivided into anteaters that burrow, anteaters that climb trees and anteaters that wander over the ground Mammals with non-spiny armour include the twenty-one species of armadillos and the seven species of pangolins, or scaly anteaters In the Old World they…

fox به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary fox1 /fɒks $ fɑːks/ ●●○ noun [countable] a wild animal like a dog with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face, and a thick tail [countable] informal someone who is clever and good at deceiving people [uncountable] the skin and fur of a fox, used to make clothes [countable] American English informal someone who is sexually attractive fox2 verb [transitive] British English informal…

bat به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary bat /bæt/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies around at night → fruit bat British English a round flat piece of wood with a handle, used to hit a ball in  a long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games Example The tunnel is…

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