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merger به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary merg‧er /ˈmɜːdʒə $ ˈmɜːrdʒər/ ●○○ noun [countable] the joining together of two or more companies or organizations to form one larger one Example There has been a lot of talk about a merger with another leading bank…

trade به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary trade1 /treɪd/ ●●● S3 W1 noun the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries business activity, especially the amount of goods or products that are sold when you exchange…

tax haven به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary tax ˌhaven noun [countable] a place where people go to live to avoid paying high taxes in their own country Example New tax havens New locations are continually being attracted to the role of tax haven Or will the Chief Secretary and his friends be sunning themselves in…

incentive به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary in‧cen‧tive /ɪnˈsentɪv/ ●●○ AWL noun [countable, uncountable] something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc someone who takes part in a competition Example There is a clear incentive to move to larger countries That probably depends on what financial incentives the United States…

demand به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary de‧mand1 /dɪˈmɑːnd $ dɪˈmænd/ ●●● S2 W1 noun the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services a very firm request for something that you believe you have the right to get demand2 ●●● W2 verb [transitive] to ask for…

macroeconomics به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary mac‧ro‧ec‧o‧nom‧ics /ˌmækrəʊekəˈnɒmɪks, -iːkə- $ -kroʊekəˈnɑː-, -iːkə-/ noun [uncountable] the study of large economic systems such as those of a whole country or area of the world Example If macroeconomics concerns the big picture, it must also concern the biggest player, the government As we…

fiddle به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary fid‧dle1 /ˈfɪdl/ noun [countable] a dishonest way of getting money a violin fiddle2 verb to keep moving and touching something, especially because you are bored or nervous to give false information about something, in order to avoid paying money or to get extra money…

stock market به انگلیسی

From Longman Dictionary stock ˌmarket ●○○ noun [countable usually singular] the business of buying and selling stocks and shares a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold Example Most were in their teens during the last stock market panic, the Black Monday crash of Oct. 19,1987 While productivity, profits, executive pay and the stock market keep…

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