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capybara به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ˌkæpiˈbɑːrə an animal like a very large rabbit with thick legs and small ears, which lives near water in South America                 

hippopotamus به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary hip‧po‧pot‧a‧mus /ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs $ -ˈpɑː-/ noun (plural hippopotamuses or hippopotami /-maɪ-/) [countable] a large grey African animal with a big head and mouth that lives near water Example They don’t know the maximum untaxed income, but they do know George Washington had hippopotamus teeth Nevertheless, the marriage of hippopotamus with whale is clear Rather more realistically,…

coyote به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary coy‧ote /ˈkɔɪ-əʊt, kɔɪˈəʊti $ ˈkaɪ-oʊt, kaɪˈoʊti/ noun [countable] a small wild dog that lives in North West America and Mexico Example But coyotes are taking the biggest bite out of sheep farming in Northern California Whether the abandoned innards, which are consumed by coyotes and ravens, harbor the disease is hotly debated At night you can hear coyotes howling…

lioness به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary li‧on‧ess /ˈlaɪənes, -nəs/ noun [countable] a female lion Example But of a sudden she saw by the light of the moon a lioness When Skalsky was on her game, she was a lioness I once watched a lioness hunting a zebra Soon one lioness is close enough to…

aardvark به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary aard‧vark /ˈɑːdvɑːk $ ˈɑːrdvɑːrk/ noun [countable] a large animal from southern Africa that has a very long nose and eats small insects Example The story was about an aardvark who wanted to change his nose Words such as aardvark use a number of nodes which are not shared with…

porcupine به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary por‧cu‧pine /ˈpɔːkjəpaɪn $ ˈpɔːr-/ noun [countable] an animal with long sharp parts growing all over its back and sides Example Where he had touched her her scalp was prickling like a porcupine Or the do-probe-me inaccessibility of…

lynx به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary lynx /lɪŋks/ noun (plural lynx or lynxes) [countable] a large wild cat that has no tail and lives in forests Example They may be eagle-eyed or watch like a lynx Those of some larger mammals, for example hares and lynx, fluctuate in longer cycles of 10-13 years  Grouse are dragged in as the hungry lynx turn to…

ibex به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary i‧bex /ˈaɪbeks/ noun (plural ibexes or ibex) [countable] a wild goat that lives in the mountains of Europe, Asia, and North Africa Example Oryx and ibex are scarce, but they are there He left the young man to admire the ibex head that was mounted above the hall clock The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain…

blue whale به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ˌbluː ˈweɪl a type of whale that is the largest known living animal                 

squirrel به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary squir‧rel1 /ˈskwɪrəl $ ˈskwɜːrəl/ ●●○ noun [countable] a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts Example  Wire netting is the best defence against rabbits and squirrels, which will chew through plastic netting to plunder fruit crops Woodchucks, like many other ground squirrels, hibernate in their underground burrows where they are thought to sleep away…

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