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zebra به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ze‧bra /ˈziːbrə, ˈze- $ ˈziːbrə/ noun [countable] an animal that looks like a horse but has black and white lines all over its body Example Insofar as a zebra finch can be said to have a mind,…

pilot whale به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary pilot ˌwhale noun [countable] a small whale with black skin                 

rhinoceros به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary rhi‧no‧ce‧ros /raɪˈnɒsərəs $ -ˈnɑː-/ noun (plural rhinoceros or rhinoceroses) [countable] a large heavy African or Asian animal with thick skin and either one or two horns on its nose → hippopotamus Example I hear that a rhinoceros flew along the Mississippi in a pink balloon, this morning I though…

reindeer به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary rein‧deer /ˈreɪndɪə $ -dɪr/ noun (plural reindeer) [countable] a large deer with long wide antlers (=horns), that lives in cold northern areas Example Ivan Dzhenkoul lost over two hundred reindeer • Yesterday I fed him the bony scraps from my reindeer stew and he is now mine for ever • Our hotel had an indoor pool, a nightclub and good food…

beaver به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary bea‧ver /ˈbiːvə $ -ər/ noun [countable] a North American animal that has thick fur and a wide flat tail, and cuts down trees with its teeth                 

lemur به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary le‧mur /ˈliːmə $ -ər/ noun [countable] an animal that looks like a monkey and has a long thick tail Example Bees, flies, birds, lemurs and tree kangaroos are all pressed into service  One of our fellow primates, the two-foot-long lemur is vegetarian, monogamous, and makes a noise like a saxophone  Prosimians, such…

koala به انگلیسی

 From Longman Dictionary ko‧a‧la /kəʊˈɑːlə $ koʊ-/ (also koala bear / $ .ˈ.. ˌ./) noun [countable] an Australian animal like a small grey bear with no tail that climbs trees and eats leaves Example Is that Troy Aikman or a koala with lower digestive difficulties looking so uncomfortable on the Dallas sideline A koala, who was the loser in a treetop fight,…

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