Dispute به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
dis‧pute1 /dɪˈspjuːt, ˈdɪspjuːt/ ●●○ noun
a serious argument or disagreement
یک بحث یا اختلاف جدی
dis‧pute2 /dɪˈspjuːt/ ●●○ verb
to say that something such as a fact or idea is not correct or true
گفتن اینکه چیزی مانند یک واقعیت یا ایده صحیح یا درست نیست
to argue or disagree with someone
بحث کردن یا مخالفت کردن با کسی
to try to get control of something or win something
تلاش برای کنترل چیزی یا برنده شدن چیزی
Representatives from both sides met late last night in an attempt to settle the budget dispute between Congress and the President
The settlement of disputes between participants in a company may also prove awkward
The main facts of the book have never been disputed
Soviet forces disputed every inch of ground
Since ancient times people have disputed the actions taken by their neighbours