gallant به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
gal‧lant1 /ˈɡælənt/ adjective
a man who is gallant is kind and polite towards women
مرد شجاع نسبت به زنان مهربان و مؤدب است
gal‧lant2 /ɡəˈlænt, ˈɡælənt $ ɡəˈlænt, ɡəˈlɑːnt/ noun
a well-dressed young man who is kind and polite towards women
جوانی خوش پوش که با زنان مهربان و مؤدب است
She had also a gallant and generous heart wide-open to affection
We remember well its prime movers: Charlie Hopper, the gallant sub-postmaster
Having observed her recovery, the gallant youth departed
Karelius took an immediate dislike to Lapointe, whom he considered a flashy young gallant
I insisted on paying the bill and on opening the door for her as if I were an ordinary gallant