liquor به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
liq‧uor /ˈlɪkə $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]
a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky
یک نوشیدنی الکلی قوی مانند ویسکی
any alcoholic drink
هر نوشیدنی الکلی
Lucker rummages in the bags for a floating bottle of vodka
I drive back to the hotel with Lucker swigging at a litre bottle of vodka beside me
The attendant, now well into his second bottle of vodka, decided to ignore Myeloski’s indiscretion
Dissident A rabbinical poet with hippy dreadlocks was king of the clients on vodka street
Pepper vodka, lemon vodka, kidney vodka