Lubricate به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
lu‧bri‧cate /ˈluːbrɪkeɪt/ verb
to put a lubricant on something in order to make it move more smoothly
روان کننده روی چیزی قرار دادن تا حرکت نرمتری داشته باشد
to help things to happen without any problems
برای کمک به اتفاقات بدون هیچ مشکلی
The surface is lubricated by mucus
She could see the viscous juices.that lubricated its mandibles
Pizza lubricates the social life of adults, too
As a result, he was forced to lubricate the watch
It is best lubricated with wax, rather than a water misting system