Miniature به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
min‧ia‧ture1 /ˈmɪnətʃə $ ˈmɪniətʃər/ ●○○ adjective [only before noun]
much smaller than normal
بسیار کوچکتر از حالت عادی
miniature2 noun
a very small painting, usually of a person
یک نقاشی بسیار کوچک، معمولاً یک شخص
a very small bottle containing an alcoholic drink
یک بطری بسیار کوچک حاوی یک نوشیدنی الکلی
The carcass is small so that cuts appear to be miniatures of beef cuts
But for the vertigo shot alone, a horizontal miniature was built to avoid counter-weighting the heavy VistaVision camera
The author, once a portrait and miniature painter, now devoted himself to pictorial photography
a miniature train
Among her prize-winning stock is Bickels Tinker Toy, which she says is one of the smallest miniatures in the world