mop به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
mop1 /mɒp $ mɑːp/ noun [countable]
a thing used for washing floors, consisting of a long stick with threads of thick string or a piece of sponge fastened to one end
چیزی که برای شستشوی کف استفاده می شود، متشکل از یک چوب بلند با نخ های نخ ضخیم یا یک تکه اسفنج که به یک سر بسته شده است.
a thing used for cleaning dishes, consisting of a short stick with a piece of sponge fastened to one end
چیزی که برای تمیز کردن ظروف استفاده می شود، متشکل از یک چوب کوتاه که یک تکه اسفنج به یک سر آن بسته شده است.
a large amount of thick, often untidy hair
مقدار زیادی موهای ضخیم و اغلب نامرتب
mop2 verb (mopped, mopping)
to wash a floor with a wet mop
برای شستن زمین با یک پاک کن خیس
As he left his room, he noticed a mop and bucket sitting in a corner in the hallway
He was still carrying his mop and broom and wearing his brown overalls
I saw a guy with a head the size of a bucket-the kind you put mops in
All the spawning mops were removed and I hoped to see a shoal of young Cardinal Tetras
Daily inspections of the tank will indicate a few fry hanging on the tank sides and others hiding in the mops