oath به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
oath /əʊθ $ oʊθ/ ●○○ noun (plural oaths /əʊðz $ oʊðz/)
a formal and very serious promise
یک وعده رسمی و بسیار جدی
a formal promise to tell the truth in a court of law
یک قول رسمی برای گفتن حقیقت در دادگاه
an offensive word or phrase that expresses anger, surprise, shock etc
یک کلمه یا عبارت توهین آمیز که بیانگر خشم، تعجب، شوک و غیره است
Adams was elected to the British Parliament, but refused to swear an oath to the English Queen
He shouted oaths and curses as they took him away
He admitted that he had lied under oath
Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country
He was shouting out oaths as they led him away