Own به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
own1 /əʊn $ oʊn/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective, pronoun
used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with a particular person or thing and not any other
برای تأکید بر اینکه چیزی به شخص یا چیز خاصی تعلق دارد یا با آن ارتباط دارد و نه هیچ چیز دیگری استفاده می شود
used to emphasize that someone did or made something without the help or involvement of anyone else
برای تأکید بر اینکه شخصی کاری را بدون کمک یا دخالت شخص دیگری انجام داده یا ساخته است استفاده می شود
own2 ●●● S2 W2 verb
to have something which belongs to you, especially because you have bought it, been given it etc and it is legally yours
داشتن چیزی که به شما تعلق دارد، مخصوصاً به این دلیل که آن را خریده اید، به شما داده اند و غیره و قانوناً مال شما است
to admit that something is true
اعتراف به اینکه چیزی درست است
to defeat someone very easily or by a large amount
شکست دادن کسی به راحتی یا با مقدار زیاد
The yacht was intended for the King’s own personal use
We encourage students to develop their own ideas
He had misjudged the situation, and if he had added to his problems, it was his own fault
You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land
We don’t own the apartment, we’re just renting it