Prejudice به انگلیسی
From Longman Dictionary
prej‧u‧dice1 /ˈpredʒədɪs/ ●●○ noun
an unreasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some way, especially because of their race, sex, religion etc – used to show disapproval
دوست نداشتن و بی اعتمادی غیر منطقی نسبت به افرادی که به نوعی با شما متفاوت هستند، به خصوص به دلیل نژاد، جنس، مذهب و غیره – برای نشان دادن عدم تایید استفاده می شود.
strong and unreasonable feelings which make you like some things but not others
احساسات قوی و غیرمنطقی که باعث می شود شما بعضی چیزها را دوست داشته باشید اما بعضی چیزها را نه
prejudice2 verb
to influence someone so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion about someone or something
تحت تاثیر قرار دادن کسی به طوری که او نظر غیرمنصفانه یا غیر منطقی در مورد کسی یا چیزی داشته باشد
to have a bad effect on the future success or situation of someone or something
تأثیر بدی بر موفقیت یا موقعیت آینده کسی یا چیزی داشته باشد
For the first time he met, peeping above the surface, the force of a prejudice which had unrelenting ferocity
For years he has fought against prejudice and racial hatred
In view of their greater interest in Jarrad, the plaintiffs contended that they had been unfairly prejudiced
Indeed failure to take such steps will seriously prejudice his potential claim on the Marine Policy
The paper shows that there could be a return of these positions without prejudicing the integrity of an Edinburgh and Lothian-wide council